4 min readOct 11, 2018

Ahmad Fanani’s opinion at Jawa Post September. 12, 2018 about Bawaslu helped formers corruption convict to be caleg have opened a new fidgetiness space of society. At once its history indicates that the next leader in 2019 will interest purloin potentially.

PKPU No. 20, 2018 is finally a hopeless hope. So easily violated and so easily the rule is eliminated its sacred potential as medias or instruments for clean elections and give birth to leaders who are honest, fair and responsible.

If we see the fact, as if PKPU’s rule has no power to keep them. Why? Because it is like traffic lights on highly quiet highways with the road of the vehicle, then passed even though the lights showed pause (red lamp). This could have reasonable, because the mark of red lamp indicated a quiet highway with the vehicle. But a rule is remaining a rule. It could not move, walk or strike people, but it is a media or instrument for the safety of highway.

Not much different with PKPU No. 20 2018 who can’t hit offering offenders. But it remains itself. It is media or instrument in order that our election (pemilu) operate well and utter leaders without a potentially corrupt.


See that strained reality made me embittered what is actually the basic of the act of penetration background. Before concluding the basic problems, will be better if we understand the purpose burden of PKPU No. 20 2018.

The first, rehabilitating a democracy party as good party, honest and have positive impact to society. Solving this problem as our democracy background are obviously good, safe and peace actually hide internal issue never shown to public. So our democracy was considered been peace between parties. Although, that’s made public been restless.

The restless occurred because the candidate leaders had potentially corrupt, artificial and inclined to disobey collective interest. This approves have already occurred after finishing democracy party. They that previously given belief by society gave back a restless. And that problem made KPU rethinking and research its burden. The end result, the candidates having potentially corrupt are the burden problem. Then, KPU proposes prohibition rule of formers corruption convict to be caleg.

The second, the pragmatic politic that pulled Bawaslu helped formers corruption convict to be caleg is one of factor. Its politic indication is pragmatic that often considered as virtue for an individual. Whereas, the meaning of pragmatic, according to KBBI dictionary, consider as most important a universal utility.

The pragmatic politic can make other people use dirty politics for a pretension. Not only Bawaslu, everyone can do that. For example, if PKPU No. 20 2018 is active as well, minimal can detain corruptions convict who come to be as caleg by their pragmatic politics.

The integrity of universal election is one of achievement if operates the rule well, without a breakthrough and collusion with the dirty politics and also will utter good candidates, smart and have an ability to operate a responsible. Other hands, producing the new honest and responsible cadres of party. The next, our democracy is a festivity of integrity politic-country.

However, it was returned fact, like returning season but unequal. The integrity of PKPU is more and more reflects as a country replete with good people but the political party is poor cadre, seeing Bawaslu that helped formers corruption convict to be candidates of DPRD as Ahmad Fanani wrote at Jawa Pos September. 12, 2018.

Covering a lot of that problems restrain corruption convict to be caleg still can’t repair the condition. Even its make politicians find other ways which been more smart and slick and cut in a line at PKPU’s gate with anything. That all are according to Bawaslu’s issue, with the collusion of individual pragmatic-politic, so the burdens problem actually is not only corruption convict that can threaten this country, rather people who want to be of power still spread around.

Because breaking PKPU No. 20 is considered does not care to society and they, who have power to release corruptor convict as a caleg, do not care to society. They are threat and probably more serious then corruption. Because having power without taking side of collective interest, cut in line of constitution potentially can be corruptor. Is that correct? Accepting a mouthful is forbidden.

What should we do? Not much we can do from this writing. But the hope of society should be spoken up. Representing society’s voices, I want to say that Indonesia is a liberal country, because all people can do anything forbidden. For instance, releasing corruptor convict to be caleg and received a mouthful and give what should not be given.

That was a problem of this country never finish. Democracy gives a freedom but also gives a constitution operating universally. Impossible one can break the constitution without a power or a certain person to have it. But it is also possible if he can fulfil their will.

*the picture taken from

